Sunday, July 27, 2008

Load Balancing


Contoh kasus dimisalkan provider memiliki 2 link ke Internet. Satu menggunakan akses DSL (256 Kbps) dan lainnya menggunakan Wireless (512 Kbps).

Dengan rasio pemakaian DSL:Wireless = 1:2 .

Yang akan dilakukan :

  1. Menggunakan semua jalur gateway yang tersedia dengan teknik load-balancing.
  2. Menjadikan salah satunya sebagai back-up dengan teknik fail-over.

Kira-kira begini mulai eksperimennya (halah) :

  1. IP address untuk akses ke LAN :
    > /ip address add address= interface=LAN
    IP address untuk akses ke jalur DSL :
    > /ip address add address= interface=DSL
    IP address untuk akses ke jalur Wireless :
    > /ip address add address= interface=WIRELESS
    Tentukan gateway dengan rasionya masing-masing :
    > /ip route add gateway=,,
  2. Pada kasus untuk teknik fail-over. Diasumsikan jalur utama melalui Wireless dengan jalur DSL sebagai back-up apabila jalur utama tidak dapat dilalui. Untuk mengecek apakah jalur utama dapat dilalui atau tidak, digunakan command ping.
    > /ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting src-address= action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=SUBNET1-RM
    > /ip route add gateway= routing-mark=SUBNET1-RM check-gateway=ping
    > /ip route add gateway=
  3. gimana..gimana.. (hehe)


Dengan menggunakan queue type pcq di Mikrotik, kita bisa membagi bandwidth yang ada secara merata untuk para pelahap-bandwidth™ saat jaringan pada posisi peak.

Contohnya, kita berlangganan 256 Kbps. Kalau ada yang sedang berinternet ria, maka beliau dapat semua itu jatah bandwidth. Tetapi begitu teman-temannya datang, katakanlah 9 orang lagi, maka masing-masingnya dapat sekitar 256/10 Kbps. Yah.. masih cukup layaklah untuk buka-buka situs non-porn atau sekedar cek e-mail & blog.

Kira-kira begini caranya (halah) :

  1. Asumsi : Network Address, interface yang mengarah ke pengguna diberi nama LAN, dan interface yang mengarah ke upstream provider diberi nama INTERNET;
  2. Ketikkan di console atau terminal :
    > /ip firewall mangle add chain=forward src-address= action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=NET1-CM
    > /ip firewall mangle add connection-mark=NET1-CM action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=NET1-PM chain=forward
    > /queue type add name=downsteam-pcq kind=pcq pcq-classifier=dst-address
    > /queue type add name=upstream-pcq kind=pcq pcq-classifier=src-address
    > /queue tree add parent=LAN queue=DOWNSTREAM packet-mark=NET1-PM
    > /queue tree add parent=INTERNET queue=UPSTREAM packet-mark=NET1-PM
  3. gimana...gimana..(hehe..lagi..)

Memanipulasi ToS ICMP & DNS di MikroTik

Tujuan :

  • Memperkecil delay ping dari sisi klien ke arah Internet.
  • Mempercepat resolving hostname ke ip address.

Asumsi : Klien-klien berada pada subnet

  1. Memanipulasi Type of Service untuk ICMP Packet :
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting src-address= protocol=icmp action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=ICMP-CM passthrough=yes
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting connection-mark=ICMP-CM action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=ICMP-PM passthrough=yes
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting packet-mark=ICMP-PM action=change-tos new-tos=min-delay
  2. Memanipulasi Type of Service untuk DNS Resolving :
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting src-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=53 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=DNS-CM passthrough=yes
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting src-address= protocol=udp dst-port=53 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=DNS-CM passthrough=yes
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting connection-mark=DNS-CM action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=DNS-PM passthrough=yes
    > ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting packet-mark=DNS-PM action=change-tos new-tos=min-delay
  3. Menambahkan Queue Type :
    > queue type add name=”PFIFO-64″ kind=pfifo pfifo-limit=64
  4. Mengalokasikan Bandwidth untuk ICMP Packet :
    > queue tree add name=ICMP parent=INTERNET packet-mark=ICMP-PM priority=1 limit-at=8000 max-limit=16000 queue=PFIFO-64
  5. Mengalokasikan Bandwidth untuk DNS Resolving :
    > queue tree add name=DNS parent=INTERNET packet-mark=DNS-PM priority=1 limit-at=8000 max-limit=16000 queue=PFIFO-64
  6. gimana...gimana..(hehe..lagi deh.)

Queue Tree with more than two interfaces (sok bahasa inggris) :)

Basic Setup

This page will tak about how to make QUEUE TREE in RouterOS that with Masquerading for more than two interfaces. It’s for sharing internet connection among users on each interfacess. In manual this possibility isn’t writted.

First, let’s set the basic setting first. I’m using a machine with 3 or more network interfaces:

[admin@instaler] > in pr


0 R public ether 0 0 1500

1 R wifi1 wlan 0 0 1500

2 R wifi2 wlan 0 0 1500

3 R wifi3 wlan 0 0 1500

And this is the IP Addresses for each interface:

[admin@instaler] > ip ad pr

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic


0 public

1 wifi1

2 wifi2

3 wifi3

On the public you can add NAT or proxy if you want.

Mangle Setup

And now is the most important part in this case.

We need to mark our users. One connectoin for upload and second for download. In this example I add mangle for one user. At the end I add mangle for local transmission because I don’t QoS local trafic emong users. But for user I need to separate upload and download.

[admin@instaler] ip firewall mangle> print

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic


0 chain=forward dst-address= action=mark-connection

new-connection-mark=users-userU passthrough=yes comment=”" disabled=no

1 chain=forward dst-address= action=mark-connection

new-connection-mark=users-userD passthrough=yes comment=”" disabled=no

2 chain=forward connection-mark=users-userU action=mark-packet

new-packet-mark=userU passthrough=yes comment=”" disabled=no

3 chain=forward connection-mark=users-userD action=mark-packet

new-packet-mark=userD passthrough=yes comment=”" disabled=no

98 chain=forward src-address= dst-address=

action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=users-lokal passthrough=yes

99 chain=forward connection-mark=users-lokal action=mark-packet

new-packet-mark=lokalTrafic passthrough=yes

Queue Tree Setup

And now, the queue tree setting. We need one rule for downlink and one rule for uplink. Be careful when choosing the parent. for downlink traffic, we use parent “global-out”, because we have two or more downloading interfaces. And for uplink, we are using parent “public”, we want QoS uplink traffic. (I’m using pcq-up and download from manual) This example is for 2Mb/1Mb

[admin@instaler] > queue tree pr

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid

0 name=”Download” parent=global-out packet-mark=”" limit-at=0

queue=pcq-download priority=1 max-limit=2000000 burst-limit=0

burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

1 name=”Upload” parent=WGW packet-mark=”" limit-at=0 queue=pcq-upload

priority=1 max-limit=1000000 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0


Now we add our user:

2 name=”user10D” parent=Download packet-mark=userD limit-at=0

queue=pcq-download priority=5 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0

burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s

3 name=”user10U” parent=Upload packet-mark=userU limit-at=0

queue=pcq-upload priority=5 max-limit=0 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0


selamat mencoba..

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